about eric undead

~ formerly known as film miasma ~

This was called film miasma for a couple of years but I got to thinking about something or other and liked this new name better. Plus, I wanted to write about a couple of books I read and thought I’d take the word ‘film’ out of it so I could expand a little if I felt like it. Nothing much has or will change, I’ll still butcher my native english language and use or misuse sentence structure and continue my war against commas and capital letters. I’m very slow at putting shit out here and by that I mean I know most of my writing is shit but it’s my little part here and I want to do some creative writing to keep my brains working as OK as they can be but that’s where we’re at today so man i love it if you read out here but that doesn’t mean I’m in love with you or anything like that so if you want to hang around and talk some shit and drink a beer and get loaded and swing from the rafters and do all of those things feel free to come by and maybe we’ll have some green chile stew or something I don’t know but I won’t take things too seriously and hopefully I don’t smell. Oh – and everyone’s welcome just don’t be a shitbag.

P.S. My friend and I have an inside joke about an imaginary person that lives under a bridge by where we work who makes trash can elixir from his own pee and sells rat ribs if you know the secret handshake. His name, we think, is Penistucky Fellers and if you want to make your own blog called Me and Penistucky, we can talk.

4 thoughts on “about eric undead

  1. Thanks for subscribing to my blog but, going by the titles, I think your interests are a bit – actually a serious lot – more slasher/horror than mine. Hope you do find enough worth your while on my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! Howdy! I came across your blog looking up some thoughts on the Apu-Punchao character from Urth of the New Sun. Then I remembered I was on my work computer and saw you were on WordPress and all that good stuff. I need to go back and finish my reading and also, I like many things other than crappy horror movies – that’s just what I write about. If you could call it that!


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